Canada Revenue Agency
Stories of the Week
3 January - An E-mail from a 'Curious' Reader
10 January - How Dedicated are Tax Employees? Part I (of four)
17 January - How Dedicated are Tax Employees? Part II (of four)
25 January - How Dedicated are Tax Employees? Part III (of four)
2 February - How Dedicated are Tax Employees? Part IV (of four)
7 February - Real Tax Employees - Art Thivierge
16 February - One HECK of a Telephone Bill (Part I of III)
21 February - Say it Ain't so Geo-rge! Say it Ain't So! (Part II of III)
28 February - Dude, Where's My Car? (Part III of III)
7 March - A Question of Ethics
14 March - CCRA Story of the Week 2nd Anniversary
21 March - Finally, the Origin of the CCRA Story of the Week
5 April - Real Tax Employees - Todd Jaffray
12 April - 6 Months Later, No One Likes to Crow But...
19 April - A Clear Case of CRA Abuse - Part I
26 April - A Clear Case of CRA Abuse - Part II
3 May - One Reason to Divorce Your Spouse?
10 May - Still Protecting Your Right of Confidentiality
17 May - Real Tax Employees - Colin McLaughlin
24 May - Get to Know Your Tax Employees, it's a Good thing!
31 May - The Tax Travails of Certain Toronto Maple Leafs (I of II)
7 June - Tax Travails of Certain Toronto Maple Leafs (Part II of II)
14 June - Real Tax Employees - Robert Swastek *UPDATE*
21 June - The Effects of a Toxic Employee in the Tax Workplace (Part I of IV)
28 June - The Effects of a Toxic Employee in the Tax Workplace (Part II of IV)
6 July - The Effects of a Toxic Employee in the Tax Workplace (Part III of IV)
13 July - The Effects of a Toxic Employee in the Tax Workplace (Part IV of IV)
19 July - FINAL UPDATE to 'Hiding in plain site...'
25 July - Canada Revenue Agency Employee Forges Audit Notice Against Wrong Guy
1 August - Why Did My ex-Husband's Girlfriend Snoop on my Tax File?
9 August - Did CRA Turn Over Personal Data on Edmonton Lawyer to FBI?
16 August - Yet the Canada Revenue Agency Continues Doing It!
22 August - Real Tax Employees - Richard McKenzie Kerr
29 August - Knocks against the Canada Customs & Revenue Agency Story of the Week?
05 Sept - A Big Tsk Tsk to CRA Employees Jorge Liviero & Stirling Andrew Fish (Part I)
12 Sept - A Big Tsk Tsk to CRA Employees Jorge Liviero & Stirling Andrew Fish (Part II)
19 Sept - A Big Tsk Tsk to CRA Employees Jorge Liviero & Stirling Andrew Fish (Part III)
4 Oct - The TDB Defeats the Minister of National Revenue (I of II)
11 Oct - The TDB Defeats the Minister of National Revenue (II of II)
18 Oct - Another Day, Another CRA Confidentiality Breach!
25 Oct - Of course you pay taxes! But does your wealthy neighbor?
1 Nov - A Response to the Hue and Cry of Last Week's Tax Tale
7 Nov - Real Tax Employees - Martin Leigh
15 Nov - And it's Off to Gaol for "Alan Baggett"?
22 Nov - Alan Ross & Joan Oxner show the UnFairness of CRA Fairness Legislation - Part I
29 Nov - Alan Ross & Joan Oxner show the UnFairness of CRA Fairness Legislation - Part II
6 Dec - Of course you pay taxes! But does your wealthy Corporate Neighbor?
13 Dec - A Letter to CRA Tax Employee Gord Tebbut of the Hamilton TSO
20 Dec - Getting to Know Your Tax Employees, it's a Good thing! HJ Patenaude
26 Dec - Two Days from the Diary of Samuel Marchbanks
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