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Canada Revenue Agency

Stories of the Week

16 March - A CCRA tale! The facts behind the case of the purloined SIN's

23 March - CCRA story: The Case of the Triple Crossing Tax Auditor?

02 April - CCRA Story of the Week: Snobolen's Tax Story?

07 April - Tax Story of the Week: Steve Stavro's Tax Story

15 April - Tax Story of the Week: Salome Bey's Tax Story

22 April - Tax Story of the Week: A Tale of Two Tax Debting Tax Employees

06 May - Tax Story of the Week: Taxman plays ball with CFL's Ottawa RoughRiders

13 May - The Mystery of the tax debtor who didn't pay once (and never paid again)

20 May - Maybe Virginia there is a Santa Claus (Part I - Toronto)

28 May - Maybe Virginia there is a Santa Claus (Part II - Ottawa)

04 June - The Barbie Dream House?

12 June - Hard Work, Conscientiousness and Professional Integrity

01 July - Confidentially Speaking – the Arthur Vaile Story

08 July - Radawanski isn't the only one who gets off easy

16 July - Hiding in plain sight. Am I doing the right thing?

23 July - Bill of Rights Schmill of Rights.

30 July - Only the Best and Brightest.

06 August - The CCRA Badge of Courage

12 August - The CCRA Audit Badge of Courage Part II

19 August - Ever wonder why the CCRA fears the Markovich Decision?

26 August - Daddy, Tax Employees Don't Go Bankrupt, Do They?

03 September - Special Treatment for Tax Debtor Relatives of CCRA Employees?

09 September - The Peter Principle Practically Applied to the Public Service

16 Sept -Methinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much (apologies to Bill Shakespeare)

23 September - The 2nd Last Word on CCRA Garnishments

30 September - Think you have a tax debt? Maybe you don't (anymore)

07 October - Where there's a Will, there should be a way

14 October - Thirty Years (and Counting) without Filing a Tax Return

21 October - Games People Play. Act I the Tax Employee – Elvis Presley Lives!

28 October - Games People Play. Act II - the Canadian Taxpayer

04 November - Games People Play. Act III - the Man with 3 SIN's

11 November - Games People Play. Act IV - The Conclusion

18 November - Lawyers, Lies and Audit Notes

25 November - How are Your Tax Dollars Being Spent? Let's ask Ruby Howard

02 December - How are Your Tax Dollars Being Spent? We're Going Into Overtime

09 December - How are Your Tax Dollars Being Spent? Let's ask Art Thivierge

16 December - Looking for a CCRA Job? Don't bother, it's a Family Affair

23 December - All I want for Christmas is a set of CCRA TOM's

30 December - This Week a Very 'Moving' Tax Tale

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Why not Visit the Canada Revenue Agency's Tax Collector's Bible